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Eyeglasses Care FAQ

arrow-right-4 arrow-right-4 Do my glasses come with a warranty?

Yes, all* glasses purchased at Regional Eyecare come with a 1-year warranty guaranteeing them against manufacturer defects.

While we know accidents can happen, they are unfortunately not covered by your warranty. This includes but is not limited to, driving over your glasses, sitting on them, having your dog chew on them, gluing them back together, etc.  

*A small number of glasses sold at Regional Eyecare do not come with a warranty. If you purchased one of these pairs, this would have been disclosed with a waiver at the time of purchase. If you have questions about your warranty, please feel free to contact our office.

arrow-right-4 arrow-right-4 How should I clean my eyeglasses?

Always clean your lenses when they’re wet. If you don’t have eyeglass cleaner spray, run them under tap water before cleaning with a gentle, lint-free cloth. Avoid harsh cleaners or tissues containing abrasives, as they can damage the lens coating.

arrow-right-4 arrow-right-4 Can I use regular soap or household cleaners to clean my glasses?

It’s best to avoid household cleaners or regular soap as they might contain chemicals that can harm lens coatings. Opt for mild dishwashing soap (like Blue Dawn liquid) over other soaps and detergents.

arrow-right-4 arrow-right-4 Can I wipe my glasses with my shirt?

We do not recommend it. Clothing fibers can scratch the lenses. Always use a microfiber cloth designed for eyeglass cleaning.

arrow-right-4 arrow-right-4 How should I store my eyeglasses when not in use?

Keep your glasses in a case when not wearing them to protect them from scratches or damage. Avoid placing them face down to prevent scratching the lenses. Do not leave your glasses in a hot car or in extreme heat as this can cause “crazing” on the lenses.

arrow-right-4 arrow-right-4 Can I adjust my glasses myself?

Minor adjustments like tightening screws or gentle realignment are fine. However, a professional optician should make any major adjustments to avoid damage. Making any repairs yourself with glue will void your warranty.

arrow-right-4 arrow-right-4 How often should I have my glasses checked?

It’s advisable to have your glasses checked annually or whenever you notice any discomfort or changes in vision. Regular checks ensure optimal performance.

arrow-right-4 arrow-right-4 Are there specific ways to prevent my glasses from fogging up?

Using an anti-fogging spray or wipes can help reduce fogging.

arrow-right-4 arrow-right-4 How do I prevent smudges and fingerprints on my lenses?

Regularly cleaning your lenses with a microfiber cloth and avoiding touching the lenses with your fingers can help minimize smudges and fingerprints.

arrow-right-4 arrow-right-4 Can I wear my glasses while swimming or in the shower?

It’s advisable to avoid wearing glasses in water as it can damage the frames and lenses. Chlorinated water and soaps can also affect coatings.

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